FireRescue1’s Better Every Shift Podcast spotlights the passion and perseverance of firefighters. Hosted by Madison, Wisconsin, Firefighter Aaron Zamzow, the show brings kitchen table conversations to the airwaves, always focused on solutions, positivity and the realities of station life. Zamzow and guests tackle myriad hot topics, whether fire service, news or even pop culture-focused, bringing some levity to the often very serious nature of the profession. Dig into what drives firefighters to improve themselves, their crew, even the fire service as a whole. Listen in to get better every day, every call, every shift.

Thursday Feb 27, 2025
‘Hyper-connected to the people we serve’: Chief Dean Crispen talks SFFD goals
Thursday Feb 27, 2025
Thursday Feb 27, 2025
Shortly after taking the helm as fire chief of the San Francisco Fire Department, Dean Crispen received the advice to “just be true to your basic values” – perfect guidance for someone whose values are focused on love for the city and wanting it to succeed, particularly after some challenging years. As the city continues to move in an upward trajectory, Crispen’s focus is on making the department hyper-connected to the people it serves. Crispen shares his vision for the department, plus we dig into all of this:
- Monday morning EOC activations for disaster preparedness
- Captains as the first point of contact for the community
- Why the busiest station is the safest station
- Biggest misconceptions about San Francisco
- WUI training in city environments
- The power of knowing your blind spots
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