FireRescue1’s Better Every Shift Podcast spotlights the passion and perseverance of firefighters. Hosted by Madison, Wisconsin, Firefighter Aaron Zamzow, the show brings kitchen table conversations to the airwaves, always focused on solutions, positivity and the realities of station life. Zamzow and guests tackle myriad hot topics, whether fire service, news or even pop culture-focused, bringing some levity to the often very serious nature of the profession. Dig into what drives firefighters to improve themselves, their crew, even the fire service as a whole. Listen in to get better every day, every call, every shift.

Thursday Feb 20, 2025
‘I’m proof that it works’: Zam talks resilience-focused habits
Thursday Feb 20, 2025
Thursday Feb 20, 2025
Zam has been through a lot in the past year, navigating some personal life challenges, plus adapting to an elevated position at work – a change that ultimately put him in command at an MCI active-shooter event. With Dr. Rachelle Zemlok as his guide, Zam reflects on how his focus on building resilience has helped him navigate these life changes and challenging calls. Plus, Dr. Z details the four ways to build resilience so you are better prepared when life starts throwing too many punches.
Some resources mentioned on the show:
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